Thursday, 30 October 2014 00:00

TPP Dominates Metro Station

Written by CWA

Commuters in the nation's capital are meeting the victims of bad trade deals. For the next four weeks, the Capitol South Metro Station in Washington, D.C., will be dominated by TPP Ads.

All the billboards and even the floor will be wallpapered with workers' photos and testimonials about bad trade deals. And they explain why fast track, which would rush trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership through Congress without debate or amendments, would undermine our already fragile economy.

Capitol South Metro Station, used by most Congressional staff, is one of the city's busiest transit hubs.

CWA partnered with the AFL-CIO, AFSCME, and other unions to launch the unconventional ad campaign designed to send a message to Congress to say no to fast track.

"We need a 21st century trade deal which puts the interests of working families above corporate interests," CWA President Larry Cohen said. "Citizen rights should trump corporate profits."

The graphics of the ads, workers' stories and a petition can be found at the companion website, One of the campaign's faces belongs to Richard Blake Poindexter, a young TU activist whose job was outsourced to the Philippines. Poindexter unexpectedly passed away last week before he could see the ads go up. Read the newsletter's previous story.

"Fast Track is a misguided and undemocratic policy that advances the corporate trade agenda and bad deals like NAFTA, CAFTA, and the Korea FTA," said AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka. "Congress must end the secrecy and create a new process to develop and implement trade, investment and economic policies that will promote good jobs, rising wages, a clean environment and a fair economy for us all. America's workers simply can't afford more fast track."

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