Instead we support political and diplomatic initiatives to genuinely promote peace, disarmament and the rule of international law, and to treat terrorism primarily as a crime, not as a pretext for war and global military expansion. Cut the US military budget to its 1998 level and beyond, and bring our troops home to their families. Redirect wasteful military spending to meet real human needs, create jobs and reinvest in America. From nuclear weapons to climate change, the challenges facing the world today are too serious to be sacrificed to the strategic ambitions of any one country, including our own.
The End Wars and Occupations Team is part of PDA's Fund Human Needs/Cut Pentagon Waste platform. We work on the following issues:
- Complete US withdrawal from Afghanistan
- Diplomacy to prevent war and end sanctions on Iran
- End CIA/JSOC operations against Syria and recommit to June 2012 Geneva peace agreement
- End drone strikes, and all other "targeted killing" operations
- Recommit to peace and to the rule of constitutional and international law
- Reduce the record US military budget, bring troops home and reinvest in America
End Wars and Occupations Statistics and Facts
The current $633 billion Pentagon budget is higher than at any time during Vietnam or the Cold War.
The Obama Administration has conducted an average of 13 air-strikes per day, 91% in Afghanistan. Bush conducted 17,500 air-strikes on Afghanistan and 29,000 on Iraq during the invasions of those countries, but otherwise launched only 9 air-strikes per day.
The US returned to a peacetime military budget of $390 billion per year in 1955, 1975 and again in 1998 (adjusted for inflation). We can do the same agai now saving $243 billion per year, enough to create 5 million good jobs in America building windmills and solar panels, educating our children and providing healthcare for all.
Team Accomplishments
- Worked with peace movement partners to wake the sleeping giant of democracy and prevent a major U.S.war crime against Syria on the fabricated pretext of chemical weapons attacks conducted by Turkey and al-Nusra Front rebels.
- Thanks to Educate Congress visits and our peace movement partners, a majority of Democrats now vote against the annual military budget.
- Advocacy Alert - HR 4608 - War Authorization Review and Determination Act
- Advocacy Alert - HR 200 - Responsible End to War in Afghanistan
- Advocacy Alert - HR 783 - Support Diplomacy with Iran
- Advocacy Alert - HR 2494 - Stop Escalating War with Syria
- BlogTalk Radio Show - Understanding the Federal Budget with Chris Hellman, National Priorities Project
- BlogTalk Radio Show - Conversation with Sandy Davies on Afghanistan
How You Can Get Involved
- Join our Monthly Conference Calls (2nd Tuesday)
- Join our Google Group
- Like our Facebook page
- Suggest Coalition Partners and Activities
- Visit our Community Action Page
Coalition Partners
National Priorities Project (NPP), United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ), Code Pink, Win Without War, Project Defense Alternatives (PDA), US Labor Against the War (USLAW), Jobs NOT Wars Campaign, Peace Action
Issue Team Leaders
Rob Hansen
Marc Levin
Sally Weiss