Public Citizen
Has a great compendium of ISDS case studies.
Has an up-to-date page with many resources including those linked by the various arenas threatened by the TPP, info on fact-checking the lies being told about the TPP and a map which gives state-by-state info on economic impacts of the TPP
Resources with info on TTIP
- Blog on globalization and trade. Most recent article debunks the Petersen Institute Pro-TPP papers and the faulty premises on which they are based.
Citizens Trade Campaign
Info re past Free Trade Agreements
An array of activist resources – everything from a variety of tactics to hold your elected officials accountable to creative Free Trade Actions one could take. Developed prior to TPP but still most appropriate.
Info re an array of trade issues from TAA to women’s issues to Trade in Services [TISA] to Trade and Migration to indigenous people’s
How the TPP impacts you and would impact everything else by topic (from public health to public safety to buy local to internet freedom
Some great videos
Flush the TPP
Tools for Media-Making: Twitter Storms, Letters to the Editor [LTEs] and Op Eds,and Memes.
Tools for Action: Creative action ideas, Occucards and more.
Links for News
Tools for Education: (links to lots of info re TPP) plus some flyers. Also link to letter from 1500 organizations opposing the TPP which could be a good handout for congress-members: Much more! Impossible to summarize this page!
People Demanding Action
Great map of the states with info specific to each state
Monthly Congressional letter drops
Tools for activists
- Link to PowerPoint from AFL-CIO
Sierra Club
Great activist toolkit
Educate yourself re TTP, TTIP (fact sheets and reports re each)
Ways to engage policy makers
Ways to educate your community
Ways to engage the media
The Alliance for Democracy:
Everything you need to know to work on TPP Free Zones in your city.
- Resolution wording for township asking its federal elected officials to oppose the TPP and to impose certain criteria on any future trade deals
Coalition for a Prosperous America
Articles about trade
The Electronic Frontier Foundation
Info re defending people’s rights to a free and open digital world