Tuesday, 16 December 2014 00:00

Letter: ERA is something our representatives should support

Written by Moe Headington | My Suburban Life

The Hinsdale-Oak Brook area branch of the American Association of University Women has, for the past 63 years, sponsored a Home Tour featuring unique area homes. All proceeds fund college scholarships for deserving women.

AAUW members closely scrutinize the actions of our elected officials, particularly how their positions and votes reflect our tradition of dedication to promoting equity for women and girls.

During spring legislative session, Illinois Senate Minority Leader Christine Radogno and Senator Kirk Dillard voted in favor of equality for women when they cast their votes to pass the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Sadly, those representing our community in the Illinois House, Jim Durkin and Patti Bellock, do not share these views. 

No adequate explanations have been offered by either office holder as to why they do not support ERA. While Rep. Bellock receives the same salary as her male counterparts, that is not the case for the vast majority of women currently being paid 78 cents to the dollar that males earn in same or similar jobs.

Rep. Bellock should consider donating 22 percent of her salary to the scholarship proceeds generated by our recent AAUW Home Tour.  Better yet, she should vote yes for ERA when it comes up in the Illinois House, as should Rep. Durkin, and follow the leads of senators Radogno and Dillard in standing up for their female constituents.

Link to original article from My Suburban Life

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