Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein’s call to raise funds to support vote recounts in three key states was met with ease late Wednesday, with the"}}">fundraiser quickly exceeding its $2 million goal.

Thursday, 26 February 2015 00:00

The Next Attack on Voting Rights

The last round of voter restrictions came after the 2010 Republican wave, when new GOP majorities passed voter identification laws and slashed ballot access in states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Florida. Now, three months after the 2014 Republican wave, another class of state lawmakers are prepping another assault on voting rights under the same guise of “uniformity” and “ballot integrity.”

Busy phone lines and confusing eligibility requirements greeted some seeking health insurance under the state's expanded Medicaid plan on the first day of enrollment Monday, according to a health care nonprofit official who said there was “overwhelming demand.”

Published in Expand Medicaid NOW!